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About us

We offer professional investing accessible to anybody

In 2019, PARTNERS INVESTMENTS started operating in Slovakia’s investment market, taking advantage of the strong professional background of financial experts from our sister company PARTNERS GROUP SK. 

Its ambition is to appeal to anyone who wants to have their savings grow even better than before - through stock and bond ETFs.

Strictly supervised by the National Bank of Slovakia, the experts at PARTNERS INVESTMENTS seeks to provide clients with engaging investment solutions, manage their portfolios and offer them long-term service.

Standing behind the company is a team of experts with the most attractive solutions to meet each client’s financial requirements and capabilities, and all supported by PARTNERS INVESTMENT’s state-of-the-art technologies.

Our team
Maroš Ovčarik
Maroš Ovčarik
Generálny riaditeľ
Jeden z najuznávanejších analytikov finančných produktov na trhu. Maroš svoje bohaté skúsenosti získal na manažérskych pozíciách vo viacerých bankách. Stál tiež pri zrodení najväčších porovnávacích finančných portálov na Slovensku.
Daniel Petrakovič
Daniel Petrakovič
Zástupca generálneho riaditeľa
Skúsený top manažér v oblasti kapitálových trhov v spoločnosti s medzinárodným pôsobením na viacerých kontinentoch. Daniel zodpovedal za oblasti back office, dealing, reporting a AML. Má bohaté skúsenosti aj s vývojom SW riešení pre investičné spoločnosti.
Martin Čája
Martin Čája
Business Development (CBDO)
Skúsený biznis konzultant s hlbokou znalosťou kapitálových trhov. Martin pracoval na úspešných projektoch pre globálne banky, brokerské spoločnosti a wealth management spoločnosti. Má bohaté skúsenosti s back office, analýzami trhu a compliance u viacerých obchodníkov s cennými papiermi.
Maroš Ovčarik
Maroš Ovčarik
Predseda predstavenstva PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s.
Daniel Petrakovič
Daniel Petrakovič
Podpredseda predstavenstva PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s.
Martin Čája
Martin Čája
Člen predstavenstva PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s.
Jozef Bartánus
Jozef Bartánus
Člen predstavenstva PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s.
Advantages of investing with PARTNERS INVESTORS
Zero taxes

PARTNERS INVESTMENTS seeks the best solutions for its clients, including zero taxes. Clients incur no tax liability on the gains they receive from owning these funds, if they have held them for more than one year, the so-called “time test”.

Transparent fees

PARTNERS INVESTMENTS offers the opportunity to use its investment services at fees that are transparent, indiscriminately allowing all its clients to invest.

Higher yields

Investing in ETFs is more advantageous than buying mutual funds. Over the past decade, eighty-five percent of all mutual funds have failed to outperform the S&P 500 index. Combined with our experts’ professional advice, investing with PARTNERS INVESTMENTS lets you achieve higher returns.

Lifelong service

Any client deciding to invest with PARTNERS INVESTMENTS will never see working with it end when a risk profile has been determined and the most suitable strategy picked. PARTNERS INVESTMENTS is a long-term solution providing lifelong service to our clients.

Instant access to your investments

State-of-the-art technology lets clients always check the status of their investments quickly and easily. They can monitor their investments either from the comfort of their home or on the go, and they can take money out or replenish them at any time.

State-of-the-art software

Special software overseen by a portfolio manager lets PARTNERS INVESTMENTS thoroughly manage portfolios. Clients gets the best of both worlds with PARTNERS INVESTMENTS - advanced automation and a personal, human approach.