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Price list



A) One-time investments

Minimum investment: 5,000 €

Amount invested
Conservative ESG
Balanced ESG
Thematic ESG
Dynamic ESG
up to € 49,999.991.50%2.50%3.00%
€ 50,000 to € 199,999.991.50%2.00%2.00%
€ 200,000 to € 499.999,991.00%1.50%1.50%
€ 500,000 € to € 999,999.991.00%1.00%1.00%
€ 1 million and above0,50%0,50%0,50%


B) Regular investing/Long-term investment savings

Minimum monthly investment:  €30

Minimum target amount: € 1,800 €

Minimum target amount: €
Target amountConservative
Conservative ESG
Balanced ESG
Real Estate
Thematic ESG
Dynamic ESG
€ 1,800 to € 19,999.992.0 %2.8 %3.5 %
€ 20,000 to € 29,999.991.8 %2.4 %3.0 %
€ 30,000 to €49,999.99 €1.6 %2.0 %2.5 %
€ 50,000 and more1.4 %1.6 %2.0 %

The following rules apply to the calculation of the fee for the first acquisition of securities under above points A) and B) in respect of both one-time and regular investing:

1. The fee for the first acquisition of securities will be calculated as the relevant percentage of the investment amount agreed in the Portfolio Management Agreement (as concerns regular investing, the investment amount is the target amount); the percentage is defined for the investment range under which the investment amount falls according to the first column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively, for the applicable selected investment strategy according to the second or the third/fourth column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively for one-time or regular investing.

2. As concerns existing Clients who have at least one portfolio management agreement or an agency contract with PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s., pursuant to which they have already paid relevant fees (hereinafter only the “Active Agreement”), the amount of investments agreed under active agreements will be added to the investment amount agreed in every new portfolio management agreement upon entering into it to determine the relevant investment range in accordance with the first column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively for both one-time and regular investing and subsequently, the fee for the first acquisition of securities will be calculated on the basis of the determined investment range as a percentage of the investment amount agreed in the new portfolio management agreement.

3. With regard to Clause 2, where an existing Client enters, during a short period of time, into two or more new portfolio management agreements which are not deemed active yet, the investment amounts agreed under already active agreements will be added to each new portfolio management agreement individually to determine the relevant investment range in accordance with the first column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively for one-time and regular investing; the fee for the first acquisition of securities will be calculated on the basis of the determined investment range as the relevant percentage of the investment amount agreed in each new portfolio management agreement, i.e., in such a case, the investment amounts agreed in each new portfolio management agreement will not be summed up.

4. Furthermore, with regard to Clause 2, where the contractually agreed investment amount (or the target amount in case of regular investing) is met and the existing Client transfers, without concluding an amendment to the relevant portfolio management agreement for an investment amount (or the target amount in case of regular investing) increase, another payment on the basis of the agreement, each such payment will be subject to the fee for the first acquisition of securities in the amount of 4%; such payments will not be taken into consideration in determining the relevant investment range according to the first column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively for one-time and regular investing upon concluding a new portfolio management agreement or upon any change of the investment strategy.

5. With regard to Clause 2, should an existing Client wish to change contractually, on the basis of a new suitability assessment, the investment strategy agreed in an active portfolio management agreement and switch to another investment strategy with a higher percentage set out to calculate the fee for the first acquisition of securities under the first column of the table specified in point A) or B) respectively for one-time and regular investing, either with or without increasing the investment amount or the target amount, the rules set out in above Clauses 2 through 4 will be applied to calculate the fee for the first acquisition of securities and the Client will settle only the difference between the fee for the first acquisition of securities calculated in accordance with these new rules for the original investment strategy and the fee for the first acquisition of securities calculated in accordance with these new rules for the new investment strategy.

6. The fee for the first acquisition of securities calculated in compliance with above Clauses 1 through 5 is payable in full in advance.

Management fee

Regular investing            1.0 % p.a.**

One-time investing         1.0 % p.a.

(Portfolio management fees are calculated on a daily basis and billed at the end of each calendar quarter. Applies to all investment strategies. 

Fees include charges for investment advice and to cover portfolio management costs associated with the acquisition and sale of financial instruments and securities, except for the first acquisition of securities for the managed portfolio and a real estate investment strategy. In addition to the first acquisition of securities, a fee amounting to 5% of the sales volume will be charged for the sale of Partners Fond real estate investments, ISIN- SK3000001238.

** Real estate investment strategy: no management fee is charged for investing into PARTNERS Fond real estate investments, ISIN- SK3000001238, as part of a real estate investment strategy.

Fee for selling Partners Fund real estate investments, ISIN  SK3000001238: 5%  of the sales volume charges for sales completed before or on 21 September 2024. 

For sales executed from 22.9.2024, the fees listed in the table below will be charged.

Number of years since the acquisition of securitiesFee amount

Sale in the 1st year
Sale in the 2nd year2%
Sale in the 3rd year1%
Sale in the 4th and subsequent years0%

Portfolio management - performance fee

10% of appreciation***

(Portfolio performance fees are charged only if the portfolio outperforms the investment strategy’s previous highest performance for the client on the date when the fee is assessed, usually at year-end. The performance fee is normally payable on the final day of the calendar year in which PARTNERS INVESTMENTS is entitled to charge it. Should the investment strategy be terminated for any reason, the fee will be calculated for the date of the strategy’s termination and payable on the same date. The so-called high-water mark will be used for the calculation.) PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. will charge clients only for the services listed here and no others. 

*** Real Estate Investment Strategy – 0% performance fee applies to investments into PARTNERS Fond realitných investícií,


Fee amounts may vary, depending on what has been agreed with the client.

Portfolio management - other fees

The fee for transfer of securities from a portfolio management agreement

(The said fee is charged upon transfer of securities subject to a portfolio management agreement in the event, for instance, of a relevant succession decision or enterprise sale contract, etc. in respect of each portfolio management agreement from which securities are transferred to a transferee)

The fee for transfer of securities from a portfolio management agreement

€50 / portfolio management agreement

The fee for transfer of securities subject to a portfolio management agreement 

within the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company

(The fee is charged upon transfer of securities from a portfolio management agreement within the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company, i.e., from a client account to another client account, on the basis, for instance, of a donation agreement, purchase contract, etc. in respect of each portfolio management agreement from which securities are transferred to another Client - transferee)

The fee for transfer of the securities from a portfolio management agreement within the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company

€100 / portfolio management agreement


Financial instrument acquisition fee

Type of financial instrument
Securities in qualified investor funds
1.5% of payout
Other financial instruments
as agreed with each individual client

Financial instrument sales fee

Type of financial instrument
Securities in qualified investor funds

"5% if the fund’s rules do not permit the sale of its securities at the moment when the client instructs them to be sold (such as either the fund does not redeem its securities for a certain period following its inception or suspends payouts from them) 1% if the fund’s rules permit the sale of its securities at the moment when the client instructs them to be sold"

1% if the fund’s rules permit the sale of its securities at the moment when the Client instructs them to be sold

Other financial instruments
as agreed with each individual client


Fees for transfer of securities
The fee for transfer of securities from a dealer to the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company0
The fee for transfer of securities from the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company to other investment firm€150 / ISIN2)
The fee for transfer of securities within the PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. company€100 € / ISIN3)

2 )The fee will be calculated according to the number of ISINs of the securities transferred to other investment firm. 

3) The fee will be calculated according to the number of ISINs of securities transferred, e.g. on the basis of a gift agreement, purchase contract, etc., from the client account of one Client to the client account of another Client, both maintained by PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s.

These fees do not include third-party fees. They are specified in relevant third-party documents concerning those financial instruments (for instance, in the Fund Rules, KIID, and/or the prospectus for the financial instrument concerned). Acquisition of qualified investor fund securities is usually associated with a fixed management fee, exit fee and success fee. In this respect, clients are informed that as concerns certain third parties, PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. may receive financial remuneration for distribution of securities up to 50% of the fixed management fee set out in the rules of the relevant qualified investor fund. Clients will be informed about third-party fees and payment under the preceding sentence, in compliance with Section 73b (3) of Act 566/2001 on securities and investment services and on the amendment of certain laws (Securities Act), as amended, prior to providing an investment service.


Service fees in the price list are exclusive of statutory value added tax. Whenever legislation applies value added tax to be charged on all or part of fees, it will be added to them at the statutory rate.

The upfront fee is paid in full as consideration for the initial acquisition (purchase) of financial instruments.

You will find a full list of fees for services, including model examples, at